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Tranhumanism and The Ethics of Open Source CRISPR

Writer's picture: Dr Bruce LongDr Bruce Long

"The question of the need for some kind of informational normative definition of a human being is, arguably, pressing. This project seeks to investigate this question, along with the question of what conceptions of information and the nature of information would be salient to any such definition, and the question of whether such a normative definition is even desirable."

Last years' controversial revelations that a Chinese geneticist had effected a CRISPR based genetic alteration of human twins was met with - prima facie - world wide surprise and alarm from politicians, regulatory bodies, government agencies, and bioethicists and industry figures..

The event saw the Chinese CCP state media apparatus of Xinhunet and the Global Times propagate mixed responses, that included criticism and condemnation of their scientist, Professor He Jiankui. However, from the perspective of bioethics and perceived and actual existential threat, the outcome was arguably inevitable.

Interest in genetic engineering has been burgeoning in China since the CCP's opening up program began in the early to mid 1980s. Indeed, why wouldn't it be? In the runup to the controversy, interest in industrial genetic engineering was intense in both China and the rest of the world:

Scientists edit human embryos for first time in U.S. - Xinhua Chinese scientists perform genetic surgery on brewer's yeast - Xinhua Scientists edit mice gene before birth to prevent congenital diseases - Xinhua Pigs genetically modified to resist swine fever virus - Xinhua Researchers identify new gene linked to arthritis severity - Xinhua Chinese scientists discover gene helping rice adapt to cold climate - Xinhua The notion that the publicised actions of Professor He Jiankui constitute the first event of this kind should be treated with careful dubiety, as should the notion that China is the only nation on earth engaging in such research. I suggest it's probably not the first time such research has happened, and likely only the first time it has been so publicly admitted or exposed in such a manner (He's blase approach suggests this to some extent).

The power of gene editing technology is regarded by international regulatory bodies to be considered on a par, as a threat, with nuclear weapons and their proliferation. It's well understood, not only that that gene-altering is potentially as powerful and dangerous as nuclear weapons, but that the most powerful of first world nations have an interest (on the basis of political economy and economics in general) in controlling the dissemination and ownership of such technologies. Associated ethical questions are therefore pressing.

IIMx' Transhumanism and CRISPR Bioethics Initiative intends to assess the ethical implications of public access to CRISPR technology, and to information about its capabilities. There is an argument that, since, like all technologies that have been developed over long periods (e.g. Gregor Mendel's work in the late 1850s) by hard working scientists supported by civilised societies all over the world, the technology should be widely and publicly accessible. The idea is that this widespread availability would accelerate, by division of labour and increased resources, progress towards the alleviation and prevention of human suffering due to genetic and other disease types. The impression is increased by a recent CRISPR advancement achieved by Andrew Anzalone, which has been touted as a likely cure for 80% of genetic diseases. Such advancements serve to increase the urgency of establishing methodologies and metrics for supporting ethics.

Should the governance and control of technologies that can alleviate the suffering of animals and humans be democratically managed and publicly accessible? While most would certainly agree that public access to nuclear devices is a bad idea, nuclear devices are not able to cure 80% or more of human disease. There would seem to be a strong case for an open source and open document approach in the domain of gene-editing based treatments for genetic pathologies and aggressive biological pathogens. This is especially attractive where human industrial development and commercial food management that greatly profits a few has lead to epidemics of injury-induced pathologies (obesity, diabetes, many cancers, autoimmune diseases, and hepatic and renal diseases.) This view is more in line with a pro-transhuman approach.

The potential of CRISPR for transhuman augmentation also arguably increases the need for some kind of informational normative (or perhaps defeasible) definition of a human being to be used as a benchmark in ethics. For example The question of whether there should be any such normative informational conception is equally important, but such a conception may well help us to provide a way for governments and societies to develop ethical metrics and principles. This project seeks to investigate this question, along with the question of what conceptions of information and the nature of information would be salient to any such definition, and the question of whether such a normative definition is even desirable.

Philosophical Backgrounder: The Ontology of Information in Molecular Bioscience

Molecular bioscience and genetics are scientific fields where both the ontology of natural information (what information in nature actually is) and informational ontology (an approach to reality and nature that regards it as being information based in some way) have been of interest for some time. Certainly since at least the 1971 when work done by Francis Crick and James Watson in discovering the DNA double helix revolutionised human biology and medicine.

Some of the earliest and most important conceptions of both natural and semantic information have been based upon conceptions of genetic information, of information transmission in inheritance, and of information flow and encoding in DNA transcription/translation and protein synthesis. Geneticists and philosophers of biology have long been concerned with the relevance and definition of, information encoding, genetic information, chemical signals, conformational information in molecules, representation of functional information, and transmission of genetic information. Computational biology has added such concepts as genetic data, program length, compression, and processing.

It's not surprising that molecular bioscientists and geneticists have been so preoccupied with the nature of biological information and its properties, and the recent Chinese CRISPR controversy demonstrates why. Mastery of the science, and of the accompanying manipulation of nature, requires mastery of the ontology of information that goes with the requisite theory building and methodology. Much of the work done on the nature of information in the hard sciences has been done in physics and mathematical communications theory. However, it's arguable that, for human beings, the most powerful conceptions of information in nature are those that belong to, or originate with, the molecular biosciences.

Molecular bioscientists have, since at least the 1950s, applied concepts, techniques, and definitions from multiple information theories: classical Shannonian mathematical communication theory, Fisher information, the algorithmic conceptions of information usually ascribed to Soviet Cold War statistician Andre Kolmogorov, computational interpretations originally due to Alan Turing, and combinations of these.



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